I know it has been a few weeks since my last thought. The last one I wrote was the day before I left to Guatemala I have returned. I am going to get back to writing my thoughts each week. I was going to write a few weeks ago but the last few Saturdays I have been busy with things. Like hanging out with friends, a school "mock missions boot camp." Yesterday I was going to write but I was to tried to think and I was so tried I was falling a sleep at 3 p.m. So my new day to write is Sundays.
This is a thought I have been thinking about for a few weeks now. I was going to have lunch with a friend of mine, Brad is his name. We were meeting the first Saturday I was back from Guatemala. We were meeting in Brantford at a restaurant called Montana's . I thought I know where it is, I do not need to ask Brad how to get there. I was driving along on the highway and I saw a sign that told me to get off the highway at a different exit then I thought but I said to myself I know where I am going and this exit is to early. I drove to where I thought it was and I was wrong it was not there. I called Brad and told him I do not know where it is he told me where to go to get there. When I got there I said to Brad I saw a sign telling me to get off at this exit . If I would have followed the sign I would have found it faster and I would not have got lost.
I thought to myself what if I would have followed the sign how much easier it would have been to find it. Now I am going to start to follow more sign. It makes me think of the song by the Five Man Electrical band called "signs" The one line in the song goes:
Sign, sign everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?
The second thought I had was that Jesus is like a road sign. He said thins like I only do what the Father (God) does. Much like a road sign points us in the right way to go to get some where Jesus point us to God the Father. We can choose to follow Him and see what happens, or we can do what I did and say I know how to get there and I am not going to follow the signs.
I am making Jesus just a road sign. He is so much more then that He is God in the flesh, He is the Son of God. But He points us to God! and I think that is sweet!
Howden Matt Howden
I am making Jesus just a road sign. He is so much more then that He is God in the flesh, He is the Son of God. But He points us to God! and I think that is sweet!
Howden Matt Howden
Hey Matt! welcome back to your blog:) - Good Thoughts!!
miss you
Talk soon!
Great thoughts Matt! I like how you can take something outta life and bring it back to how awesome Jesus is!
Jesus is our sign for life. In everything we do he is always pointing us in the right direction!
This is great info to know.
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