"The Week that Changed My Life"
I do not know what to write about my thoughts are all over the place right now. I have started school this past week. I am getting back to waking up at 5 am it is not fun. This I have just finished reading two books that have really made me think. They are "Engaging the soul of youth culture" and

"Understanding theology and popular culture." I had to read them for a class I did for school last week. The class was called popular culture and media. It was a great class I learned a lot. We also made a trip down to Much Music. That was fun we talked to two VJ Matt and Tim. This book have made me think about the culture that we live and how much media influence us. For the class we went out on the street to interview people about the media. We talked a lady at Starbucks from Columbia. She told us that the youth from where she is from want to be like the youth they see on TV here in North America and it is wrecking the Columbian culture.
That really makes you think of how big of an influence we have on the rest of world.
What do you guys think do you have that big of an influence on the rest of the world?
Does the media have a big influence on people? How?
What is your favorite song or band, movie, and TV show?
Howden Matt Howden
i think that i have an influence on the rest of the world
mayb not a big onee
but its a start
i think that the media has a huge influence on people
especially teens
by protrayin the images that they want us to believe is the "true image" nd the image of beauty
favourite movie
nightmare before christmas *
so true..media is so huge i nthe lives of teenagers. to the point where its actually sad lol. i just did a project on it...so i have come to really know exactly how much. I try not to let it get to me...i know its all pretend and i cant possibley look or be exactly like the people i see on tv and such so i dont generally try.
but we all have our weak moments. As for my favourite tv show..probably Criminal Minds..lol lets hope that doesnt inlfuence me to become a criminal lol. and favourite movie...any chick flick. i love a good love story lol i am a typical girl lol
My favourite movie is THE NINETY starring Matt Howden.
Hey Matt,
Your blog was very interesting. I was actually thinking the other day of how media influences so many people in our North American culture, and I think for the most part it is for the negative. In most shows or movies, they try to portray reality as something true when it can be "false". I don't really have a favorite movie or a favorite song. Although, I do enjoy watching certain shows on tv, such as Gilmore girls or One Tree Hill, and those girly chick flicks, so I'm guilty like anyone else for enjoying in the media culture that entertainment companies have created. Sometimes girls feel like they have to be the perfect size, or look a certain way like the girls on tv, or on magazines, and it's actually quite sad. Anyways, thanks for your thoughts matt! I hope this comment contributed to your blog! Have a good one! Keep it real.... Mel
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