I get emails from MuchMusic once a week. This one came in the inbox today.
"Wanted: One Katy Perry Mega Fan...
We've just been informed by a semi-reliable source that Katy Perry is going to be in Las Vegas soon. The thing is, she's got some free time... so this is where you come in. We're looking for a mega fan - we're talking uber - who we'll fly to Vegas for a couple nights of adventure including some chill time with Katy. If you wanna be the fan, make a video proving to us why you deserve to be chosen - be creative, be energetic, be yourself - and upload it here. If you're the lucky finalist, Vegas and Katy Perry will be in your life before ya know it, and we'll film the whole thing to air on Much! It all starts with a little originality.. so get crackin!" (http://www.muchmusic.com/promo/mydatewithkatyperry09/)
Howden Matt Howden