The following takes place from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
I went to a seminar today done by Tom Sine called "Where is the church headed, and What's response?" It was good to listen to.
After his seminar was over he asked me if I wanted to buy his book for $7.00. I told him I had not cash on me.
After that I got the group from Master's to drop me off at the airport. I had lunch at the airport. Then I was going to my gate. I saw Tom Sine and he is sitting in the same gate as me. I need to get cash for lunch so now I have cash. When he gets off the phone I am going to see if he still has the book on him and I will get it. It is called The New Conspirators.
I get on the plane at 2:05 pm and fly to Chicago at 3:45 I leave Chicago for Toronto. I leave Toronto at 10:00 pm and will be back in Winnipeg at 11:36 pm.
I have had a good time at the conference. I hope I can do it again.
Howden Matt Howden