Now I know when you read that title you might now want to keep reading because normally that title is connected with something else about life but please keep reading and trust me.
Yesterday I did two things with people for the first time.
The first was I went golfing with a

The next thing was going to see the racket play at a place called the boat last

One thing about doing these two things with people for the first time and see how they liked things I do a lot and have not really thought about them because it is just part of my life. I was drawn to passages in the Bible when people met Jesus for the first time and how they reacted to seeing Jesus and hearing him for the first time. I think about the way the followers of Jesus just left everything to follow him. For some of them it was their first time meeting him. I want to keep being a part of people’s lives as their first time encountering with things. I love to see people have their first time with Jesus too!
That is the joy of being a Student Youth Leader and being a part of people's lives.
Howden Matt Howden